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What I'm reading

Librarian, book lover, avid reader

Currently reading

Roman Blood
Steven Saylor
Progress: 171/401 pages
Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child
Bob Spitz
Progress: 208/557 pages
Avant-gardes du XXe siècle: arts & littérature, 1905-1930
Serge Fauchereau
Caesar's Commentaries: On the Gallic War and On the Civil War
Julius Caesar
Les bûchers de Bocanegra
Arturo Pérez-Reverte
The Songs of the Kings
Barry Unsworth
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories: Volumes I and II
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien, Alan Lee

Bad Boys Do (Donovan Family)

Bad Boys Do  - Victoria Dahl A solid 3 1/2 stars. Both leads are interesting, have depth and are on a journey to kinda get back to reaching for their dreams. Jamie is kinda of a woobie and the older woman younger man romance is well done. A nice contemporary romance with a twist. Both characters are competent, smart and a little fearful of getting hurt. You don't need to read the first book in the series or the third, the characters of those books aren't as fun, interesting and endearing as Olivia and Jamie.