The writer managed to capture Ten's manic behavior. No small feat. On one of the Doctor Who comm, someone asked how in the future would the 10th Doctor be remembered. What would be in his "film reel"? Someone came up with the best answer : a jump cut scene where Ten goes : "No! Yes! No! Wait! No! Oh! Wait! Aha!..." and I might add makes his hair go in a thousand directions. Tucker managed to give us the reader *that* Doctor in Nightmare of Black Island. It's the closest I've read so far to Tennant's performance. The Doctor is smart and rude and completely off his rocker. And it works. Rose is a little more in the background in this caper than the other 3 books in the Ten series but has a few good scenes. All and all a good Doctor Who novel. Lots of actions, a fun and crazy Doctor and some nasty aliens.