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What I'm reading

Librarian, book lover, avid reader

Currently reading

Roman Blood
Steven Saylor
Progress: 171/401 pages
Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child
Bob Spitz
Progress: 208/557 pages
Avant-gardes du XXe siècle: arts & littérature, 1905-1930
Serge Fauchereau
Caesar's Commentaries: On the Gallic War and On the Civil War
Julius Caesar
Les bûchers de Bocanegra
Arturo Pérez-Reverte
The Songs of the Kings
Barry Unsworth
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories: Volumes I and II
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien, Alan Lee

The Plain Janes (Minx)

The Plain Janes - Cecil Castellucci, Jim Rugg First in a series of new graphic novels aimed at girls by DC Comics, The Plain Janes is not bad. Aimed at the manga crowd, this offer a more conventional story and presentation but it has a good story, with interesting if somewhat cliché characters. After an attack reminiscent of 9/11, Jane's family leaves Metro City for suburbia where Jane tries to built herself a new life and deal with her mom's paranoia about security, her desire to find friends and a longing to fill this big hole inside with something meaningful. The Plain Janes are her new friends, all named Jane or a variation of it and together they create the P.L.A.I.N. Janes: a club dedicated to introduce Art in this grey, beige suburbia town. Unfortunately, the website for these new graphic novels is not really interesting so far, if DC plans to conquer the manga crowd it will need to improve the way they market them because a plain website using flash is not any competition for any manga series site (Bleach)