This novel in his Montalbano series is the whimsiest of them all by far. The story takes a surreal tone right from the start and all through the book Montalbano seems on a illicit substance trip. The mystery is a pretty simple one, an accountant disappears with a lot of the people's money in Vigata. Another of his employee is gone without a trace too. One stays put like a vigil. Lots of delicious food, all the secondary players are there: Mimi, Fazio, the wonderful Catarella. Montalbano solves the case as in a dream and there's a wonderful reference to Faulkner. One tiny thing, I read this one in French and the translation had more slang in it than usual trying I think to reflect the Silician dialect used in the original novel but it rather took me out of the storyline than make the characters sound more Sicilian. It was a translator choice and was explain in a preface but still, it wasn't the best choice.