Almost 3 stars. Much better than the last one. This time the story is driven by two forces: Betsy, a much welcome return to an active participation in the story thank you very much and some of the Monday Bunch participants who go off on an adventurous trip with deadly consequences. Goodwin is sideline off to a Florida vacation and is only doing figuration in this story.The story is coherent and interesting. The only fault I find with this novel is the enormous info dump sections. There are pages and pages of this designer, that design, etc. The whole visit to the yarn spinner shop is painful to read. It's like a badly written adverb. The name dropping of well known cross stitch designers annoyed me to no end. Ferris used to handle this type of information and blend it with the story, not dump it inside with very little work of making it blend with the story and not just filing pages. She can do it, has done it. One particular section is very well done, the whole Thai Silk history, research Betsy does is well blended with the story and advances the plot. So it kinda of disappoints me that she didn't managed to do it through out the whole book.