It's very good. Quite different from his mystery series but with the same passion running thru the pages. It's his last novel. He died of a heart attack in Bangkok two years ago. At the airport no less. His mysteries novels with his wonderful detective Pepe Carvalho who has a passion for crime and food. This last novel focuses on Chretiens de Troy "Erec et Enide" and the parallels between the characters from the Arturian tale and the modern characters Montalban writes about.We have Pedro and Myriam both in "Medecins sans frontières" doctors in South American trying to help the poorest. Under fire and running from death. Julio, who is retiring from an academic life and his giving his last conference on "Erec et Enide" before receiving the most prestigious prize a medievist can receive but mostly trying to recandle his long lasting affair with a colleague. His wife, Madrona, learns that she has very little time left and wants to reunite her family (Pedro is her adopted son) for xmas.Set in Barcelona, in some tiny islands in the south of Spain and in South America this novel is worth it. A reflection on love. What you would do for love. Is everlasting love real? "Il est pratiquement inutile de lutter pour l'amour quotidien, même si le feindre est la seule possibilié que l'amour perdure" Loosely translated : "It's almost useless to fight for love even if pretending you're in love is the only way for love to last". Only available in french or spanish.