It's not strange how being older and not wiser but more aware makes someone a more critical reader. It's still a good novel but there are pieces of it that made me want to spit and hurl my Kindle across the room. My memories of Alex Delaware were good and I was in my late twenties, early thirties when I first read this series so all the macho posturing and sexist remarks probably annoyed me but I must have let it go. This time, well, I kept reading because I love Milo, Doctor Delaware I would gladly send him on his way. I know why I had stopped reading the later books but now, I'm not revisiting the earlier one any time soon. So the plot, it's about child molesters and entitled white men that think because they have power, money they can use up children. That's the plot in a nutshell. I've read better novels with the same plot, John Morgan Wilson does a much better job and makes you care unlike Kellerman who made me want to smack Alex around. 2 stars because of Milo and only because of Milo.